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2024-03-26 21:06:09

Construction Method of Plastic Track


Plastic track is a popular material for running tracks in many schools and sports facilities. It is durable, low maintenance, and provides a consistent surface for athletes to run on. In this article, we will discuss the construction method of plastic track.

Materials Required

Before starting the construction of a plastic track, you will need the following materials:

1. Base material (asphalt or concrete)

2. Geotextile fabric

3. Binder layer (asphalt or polyurethane)

4. Rubber granules

5. Topcoat (polyurethane)

Construction Method

The construction of a plastic track involves the following steps:

1. Site Preparation

The first step is to prepare the site for construction. The area should be cleared of any debris, rocks, and vegetation. The site should also be leveled and graded to ensure proper drainage.

2米乐m6官网登录入口. Base Material

The next step is to lay the base material. The base material can be either asphalt or concrete. If using asphalt, it should be laid in layers and compacted to ensure a smooth and level surface. If using concrete, the surface should be troweled to ensure a smooth finish.

3. Geotextile Fabric

After the base material is laid, a geotextile fabric should be laid over it. The purpose of the geotextile fabric is to prevent the base material from mixing with the binder layer and to provide additional stability to the track.

4. Binder Layer

The binder layer is the layer that holds the rubber granules in place. It can be either asphalt or polyurethane. If using asphalt, it should be heated and applied to the geotextile fabric. If using polyurethane, it should be mixed with a catalyst and applied to the geotextile fabric.

5. Rubber Granules

After the binder layer is applied, rubber granules should be spread over the surface. The thickness of the rubber granules should be between 8-10mm. The granules should be evenly distributed over the surface and should be compacted to ensure they are firmly held in place.


6. Topcoat

The final layer is the topcoat, which is made of polyurethane. The topcoat should be mixed with a catalyst and applied to the surface. The thickness of the topcoat should be between 1.5-2mm. The topcoat should be evenly spread over the surface and allowed to dry.


In conclusion, the construction of a plastic track requires careful planning and attention to detail. The materials used should be of high quality to ensure durability and longevity. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can construct a high-quality plastic track that will provide a safe and consistent surface for athletes to run on.

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